Drain the macaroni well, and add to the cheese sauce, stirring to coat the macaroni.If the cheese sauce is too thick, thin out with more wine or chicken stock. Taste for salt and pepper and add as needed. Add the Gruyere and Parmesan and stir until melted. Add the goat cheese and stir until melted.The consistency of the sauce should be like a thick gravy. Slowly add chicken stock a little at a time, stirring to incorporate thinning the roux and turning it into a sauce.

Add the wine and stir – this will loosen and thin the roux.Cook the paste for about one minute, stirring to prevent it from turning brown or burning. When butter is melted, add the flour and stir – this will create a paste (a roux) that will thicken the cheese sauce.

Add the butter, adjusting the heat to prevent the butter from burning. Add the onion and cook until translucent.